Archived Posts: Investing

Capital Gains Tax on Sale of Stocks

Capital Gains Tax on Sale of Stocks

Apps like Robinhood make it easy for everyone to play the stock market. If you're a retail investor who made money last year buying and selling stocks, you may owe capital gains tax when you file your tax return this year. If you lost money, you may be able to deduct that loss and reduce your income. Here's what you need to know about capital gains tax: Capital Gains and Losses Defined A capital gain or loss is the difference between your basis - the amount you paid for the asset - and the...

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Investing in Opportunity Zones: The Facts

Investing in Opportunity Zones: The Facts

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act included numerous changes for businesses and individuals. One of these was the creation of the Opportunity Zones tax incentive, the purpose of which is to spur economic development and job creation in distressed communities by providing tax benefits to investors. Which Communities Qualify as Opportunity Zones? Low-income communities and certain contiguous communities qualify as Opportunity Zones if a state, the District of Columbia, or a U.S. territory nominated them...

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